Sovereign Soul

Spllen Center, Human Design

The Spleen Center: Human Design

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The Spleen Center: Your Inner Ninja

The Spleen Center in Human Design is like your inner ninja, silently and swiftly working to keep you safe and healthy. It’s all about intuition, survival instincts, and well-being. Imagine it as your personal, super-sensory sidekick, always on the lookout for what’s best for you.

With a defined Spleen Center, you have a consistent and reliable sense of intuition, well-being, and survival instincts—you’re naturally in tune with your intuition. It’s like having a steady guardian within you (an internal GPS), always ready to keep you safe and alert. This stability affects the way your activated gates express themselves, giving you a solid base from which to operate. Your immune system is also linked to this center, giving you a robust ability to ward off illnesses.

On the other hand, if your Spleen Center is open (undefined), you might be more sensitive to the energies and health issues of those around you. An undefined Spleen Center with activated gates means that while the Spleen Center itself is open to external influences and lacks consistent, fixed energy, the gates that are activated still provide specific, consistent themes and energies that influence your experience.

This makes you incredibly empathetic and attuned to others’ well-being, but it also means you need to be extra mindful of your own health and boundaries. Think of it as having super-sensitive radar that picks up on all the signals around you – useful but sometimes overwhelming.

Your undefined Spleen Center is like having a super-sensitive radar that picks up on various energies around you, especially related to health, intuition, and well-being. Without a consistent way of processing these energies, you might experience fluctuations in how you feel and respond to situations.

The Spleen Center is also associated with the present moment. It’s that instinctive knowing that keeps you grounded in the here and now. When you listen to your Spleen, you’re tuning into a primal wisdom that helps you navigate life with agility and grace.

Here’s the fun part about the Spleen Center: it’s all about trust and spontaneity. Those hunches or gut reactions you get? They’re your Spleen whispering secrets to you. Trusting these instincts can lead to some of the most magical and serendipitous experiences. It’s like having a built-in superpower that guides you through life’s twists and turns.

To care for your Spleen Center, focus on staying healthy, both physically and emotionally. Pay attention to those intuitive nudges, and don’t ignore them. They’re your inner ninja’s way of keeping you on track. Also, embrace practices that keep you present, like mindfulness or meditation, to stay connected to your Spleen’s wisdom.

The Spleen Center is your inner guardian and intuitive guide. By listening to its whispers and honoring its signals, you can navigate life with a sense of safety and well-being. So, next time you get that gut feeling, remember – it’s your Spleen Center in action, leading you with ninja-like precision!

Caring for your Spleen Center

Caring for your Emotional Spleen Center is all about tuning into your intuition and nurturing your well-being in fun and enjoyable ways. Here are some tips to keep your inner ninja and emotional world in harmony:

Trust Your Gut: Your Spleen Center is all about those gut feelings. When you get an intuitive nudge, listen to it! It’s like having a secret superpower guiding you. Trusting your instincts can lead you to some amazing places.

Stay Present: Practice mindfulness to keep yourself grounded in the moment. Try simple activities like focusing on your breath, savoring your favorite meal, or taking a nature walk. Being present helps you connect with your Spleen’s wisdom.

Healthy Habits: Keep your immune system strong with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Think of it as fueling your ninja with the best energy possible. Fresh fruits, veggies, and staying hydrated are key!

Detox Your Space: Create a clean, clutter-free environment that feels good to you. Your Spleen Center loves a harmonious space, so tidying up can actually boost your intuitive clarity and overall well-being.

Tune Into Nature: Spend time outdoors and soak in the natural vibes. Whether it’s a hike, a picnic in the park, or just sitting under a tree, nature has a way of grounding you and boosting your intuitive senses.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels. If something feels off, honor that feeling and take action. Your Spleen Center often communicates through physical sensations, so tuning in can help you stay in top form.

Creative Outlets: Engage in activities that allow you to express yourself. Painting, dancing, writing, or any creative hobby can help you process emotions and tap into your intuition. Plus, it’s a fun way to relax!

Mindful Movement: Practice yoga, tai chi, or any mindful movement that connects your body and mind. These practices help you stay present and enhance your intuitive awareness.

Connect with Positive People: Surround yourself with friends and loved ones who uplift and inspire you. Positive social interactions can boost your mood and support your emotional health.

Laugh Often: Laughter is a fantastic way to boost your immune system and lift your spirits. Watch a funny movie, read a hilarious book, or spend time with people who make you laugh. It’s good for your Spleen and your soul!

Gates in the Spleen Center

Gate 57: The Gate of Intuition | The Gentle. This gate provides sharp, intuitive insights and the ability to sense what is coming.

With a defined Spleen, this gate offers a steady stream of clear, intuitive hits. You can trust your instincts to guide you through uncertainty, almost like having a crystal ball that offers reliable glimpses into the future. Your consistent intuition helps you navigate life’s twists and turns with a calm confidence.

In an undefined Spleen Center, these insights can be powerful and accurate, but they might come in waves rather than as a steady stream. You might find that your intuitive hits are incredibly strong when they do come, but there are times when you feel less certain or clear. It’s like having a superpower that sometimes feels like it’s on a dimmer switch, turning up and down with the flow of your environment and the people around you.

Gate 50: The Gate of Values | The Cauldron. This gate offers a consistent sense of what is right and wrong, nurturing, and protecting.

In an undefined Spleen, you might feel a heightened sensitivity to maintaining these values, sometimes leading to fear of failing to uphold them. Embrace your nurturing nature and know that it’s okay to seek support.

A defined Spleen provides you with a stable sense of responsibility and care. You consistently uphold and protect what is important, nurturing those around you with confidence and reliability.

Gate 48: The Gate of Depth | The Well. This gate is all about depth, wisdom, and the ability to find solutions to complex problems.

With a defined Spleen, you have a consistent and reliable access to this deep well of knowledge and understanding. Your intuition helps you dig deep into any issue, providing you with the wisdom to solve problems efficiently. It’s like having an ever-present “aha” moment machine, constantly churning out insights and solutions.

With an undefined Spleen, this gate can still offer you incredible insights and a knack for understanding complex issues, but it might not always feel as consistent or reliable. You might have moments of profound clarity and wisdom, followed by periods where you doubt your depth of knowledge. Think of it like having a magic well of wisdom that sometimes feels like it runs dry, even though it really doesn’t.

Gate 44: The Gate of Energy | Coming to Meet. This gate gives you consistent intuitive awareness about patterns and behaviors.

With an undefined Spleen, you might be hyper-alert to these patterns in others but could also struggle with anxiety about the future. Use this heightened awareness to make wise decisions and develop trust in your instincts.

With a defined Spleen, you have a reliable sense of intuition about which patterns to trust and which to avoid. This consistent alertness helps you make wise decisions and recognize opportunities.

Gate 32: The Gate of Continuity | Duration. Trust in Divine timing. This gate provides a steady sense of ambition and the ability to sense potential in people and situations.

In an undefined Spleen, you may feel fluctuating confidence in these perceptions. Practice trusting your intuitive hits and give yourself time to see your insights unfold.

A defined Spleen gives you a dependable sense of what will endure and succeed. You have a steady ability to recognize and nurture potential, whether in projects, people, or situations.

Gate 28: The Gate of Struggle | Preponderance of the Great. This gate brings a consistent sense of life’s challenges and the drive to find meaningful struggles.

With an undefined Spleen, you might feel the ups and downs of these challenges more intensely. Trust your intuition to guide you through these struggles and seek out what truly brings you purpose.

The defined Spleen gives you a stable foundation to face life’s struggles head-on. You have a consistent inner strength to navigate challenges and find purpose in them, trusting that your instincts will guide you through.

Gate 18: The Gate of Correction | Work on What Has Been Spoiled. This gate gives you a consistent knack for recognizing patterns and knowing what needs improvement.

With an undefined Spleen, you might be especially sensitive to areas that need correction but can also feel overwhelmed by a fear of making mistakes. Embrace this ability by using it constructively and not being too hard on yourself.

With a defined Spleen, you have a reliable ability to identify what needs fixing and to take action with confidence. Your steady intuition helps you know when and how to make improvements without second-guessing yourself.

Lovingly, Tina

P.S. If you haven’t run your chart yet, you can do so HERE for free.


P.S.S.S. Click HERE to book a COUPLES READING.

P.S.S.S.S. For those who aren’t quite ready to go all in on a full reading, I’m now offering a beautiful 90+ page personalized Human Design report for $97. Click HERE to purchase. Note: these guidebooks are delivered in PDF format via email within seven days. These are NOT printed booklets.

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The Sovereign Soul community, the space where the mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.


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wild ones

The owner of this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The owner only intends to offer general information to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual, or general overall well-being. If you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.