Kara Keyes

Unraveling Spiritual Awakenings: A Journey from Darkness to Light

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Many of us grapple with stress, dissatisfaction, and a sense of being unfulfilled in this past-paced world that we’re living in. These feelings often lead us down paths of self-discovery and spiritual growth. For Kara our guest on today’s podcast, this journey led her from a successful career as a tax accountant, mired in stress and fatigue, to a life filled with joy, awareness, and spiritual awakening. This is her story.

A Chance Meeting: The Beginning of a Transformation

Kara and I met a few months back when she booked a Human Design reading with me. From the moment we spoke, there was a sense of connection that neither of us wanted to end. Our conversations continued over Zoom, bridging the distance between Florida and Utah. What began as a reading blossomed into a friendship, and today, I’m thrilled to share Kara’s incredible journey with all of you.

The Life of a Tax Accountant: Stress, Fatigue, and a Mindset Stuck in Negativity

Kara’s life 15 to 20 years ago was a far cry from where she is now. As a tax accountant, she was constantly overwhelmed, with stress levels so high that they triggered a reactivation of Epstein-Barr, a virus that caused her chronic fatigue. Her mindset was predominantly negative, with thoughts often revolving around what was going wrong in her life. “It felt like nothing was working out for me,” Kara recalls. This mindset persisted for over 40 years until a profound spiritual awakening turned everything around.

A Moment of Realization: A Modern Tale of Parking Woes

Recently, Kara had an experience that highlighted how far she had come in her spiritual journey. After a delightful dinner with a friend, she returned to find a parking ticket on her car despite paying through a parking app. Anger surged within her, but unlike her past self, who would have stewed in frustration, she recognized these feelings as just stories in her head.

Through techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, Kara has learned to release negative emotions and keep her energy open. Instead of immediately paying the fine, Kara felt an inner nudge to contest it. Despite dealing with an eye infection and heavy traffic, she trusted her intuition and went to the parking office. What unfolded was a small miracle—a simple error in her license plate number led to the ticket, which was promptly dismissed. This incident, though minor, showcased the profound changes in Kara’s approach to life. Instead of harboring resentment, she felt gratitude, realizing it was never about the parking attendant but about her perception and response.

“It’s the small miracles that add up over time, and your life just starts to change. My life has changed so much.” – Kara

From Darkness to Awakening: The Turning Point in 2017

Kara describes 2017 as her “big awakening.” Up until then, she had managed to climb the career ladder, pushing aside emotions and focusing solely on work. Health issues like Epstein-Barr had driven her to a naturopath, who referred her to a practitioner skilled in the Emotion Code, a method to clear emotional blockages. Through these sessions, Kara felt a deep soul connection with her practitioner, which was unexpected and overwhelming. When he abruptly took a sabbatical, asking her not to contact him, it triggered a deep despair—a dark night of the soul.

What followed was an intense period of spiritual transformation. Kara experienced profound energetic shifts, her body vibrating with new sensations that she couldn’t understand at the time. This led her to explore various healing modalities, from tapping to sound healing, and eventually to her own practice as a certified intuitive energy healer.

Tools of Transformation: Finding What Resonates

Kara emphasizes the importance of finding the right tools that resonate with each individual. For her, EFT tapping was a game-changer, allowing her to process and release emotions physically and emotionally. She also found solace in sound healing, journaling, and energy work. Each modality brought its own unique benefits, helping her to integrate and heal past traumas and shift her mindset from one of victimhood to empowerment.

Trusting the Journey and Embracing Change

Kara’s journey is a testament to the power of inner work and spiritual growth. Her transformation from a stressed-out tax accountant to a joyful, awakened individual highlights the incredible potential for change when we open ourselves up to greater awareness and trust our inner guidance.

“Trust yourself. We are all where we are meant to be at any given time.” – Kara

Kara’s story is a powerful reminder that life is a journey of continuous growth. By embracing each moment with openness and trusting in our path, we can all find the light, even in the darkest times.

CLICK HERE to follow Kara on Facebook!

Lovingly, Tina

P.S. If you haven’t run your chart yet, you can do so HERE for free.


P.S.S.S. Click HERE to book a COUPLES READING.

P.S.S.S.S. For those who aren’t quite ready to go all in on a full reading, I’m now offering a beautiful 90+ page personalized Human Design report for $97. Click HERE to purchase. Note: these guidebooks are delivered in PDF format via email within seven days. These are NOT printed booklets.

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The Sovereign Soul community, the space where the mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.

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