Gate 35, The Gate of Change, The Gate of Progress, The Gate of Experience, Human Design, Throat Center

Gate 35: The Gate of Change | Progress

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Gate 35: The Gate of Change | Progress

Ah, Gate 35 in Human Design is a fascinating one to dive into, especially since it’s all about experience and the cycle of progression through beginnings, middles, and ends. It’s part of the Collective Understanding circuit, which means it’s about sharing experiences and wisdom with others.

This gate sits in the Throat Center, making its expression pivotal in how experiences are communicated and shared. A balanced Gate 35 is a bit of an experiential connoisseur, someone who embraces the full spectrum of life’s experiences with an open heart and mind. A balanced Gate 35 is a beautiful blend of adventure, wisdom, and communication, enriching both their life and the lives of those around them through their shared experiences.

Characteristics of a Balanced Gate 35

  1. Adaptive: Individuals with a balanced Gate 35 are incredibly adaptive. They’r comfortable with change and can navigate the ups and downs of life with grace. This adaptability allows them to embrace new experiences without fear.
  2. Wisdom through Experience: They gain wisdom through their experiences and have a knack for extracting lessons from whatever life throws their way. This makes them excellent storytellers and teachers, as they can share these lessons in a way that’s relatable and insightful.
  3. Embraces the Journey: People with this gate in balance understand that life is about the journey, not just the destination. They appreciate the value of beginnings, middles, and endings, and see the beauty in the process of transformation.
  4. Communicative: With Gate 35 being in the Throat Center, balanced expression means these individuals are skilled at communicating their experiences in a way that is engaging and enlightening. They know how to share their stories in a way that captures the essence of their experiences.
  5. Open to New Experiences: A hallmark of a balanced Gate 35 is an openness to new experiences. They’re not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, understanding that every experience has value, whether it’s positive or negative.
  6. Reflective: They are reflective, often taking the time to ponder their experiences and understand the deeper meanings behind them. This reflection helps them grow and evolve as individuals.
  7. Collective Focus: Lastly, their experiences are not just for personal gain. Individuals with a balanced Gate 35 feel a sense of responsibility to share their wisdom and insights for the benefit of others, contributing to the collective understanding and growth.

Characteristics of an Unbalanced Gate 35

When Gate 35 is unbalanced, the characteristics can shift dramatically, reflecting the challenges in managing experiences and the expression of those experiences. This gate, deeply rooted in the cycle of experiences and situated in the Throat Center, plays a crucial role in how we process and communicate our life’s journeys.

  1. Fear of New Experiences: Instead of embracing new opportunities with an open heart, there might be a tendency to fear or avoid new experiences. This fear can stem from past disappointments or the anxiety of unknown outcomes, leading to a life that feels stagnant or unfulfilled.
  2. Struggle to Find Wisdom in Experiences: One may find it challenging to extract lessons or wisdom from their experiences. This difficulty can result in feeling like one is going through motions without gaining any real insight or growth, making experiences feel empty or meaningless.
  3. Difficulty in Communicating Experiences: Since Gate 35 is connected to the Throat Center, an imbalance can hinder the ability to effectively communicate experiences. This could manifest as struggling to find the right words, feeling misunderstood, or an unwillingness to share experiences with others, leading to isolation or a sense of disconnection.
  4. Over-Indulgence in Experiences: On the flip side, an unbalanced Gate 35 might lead to an over-indulgence in seeking new experiences without reflection or purpose. This relentless pursuit can be a way to fill a void or escape reality, often without absorbing the essence or learning from these experiences.
  5. Impatience with the Process: An unbalanced Gate 35 may exhibit impatience with the natural progression of experiences—wanting to rush to the end or skip the middle parts. This impatience can rob one of the depth and richness that comes from fully engaging with each phase of an experience.
  6. Disconnection from the Collective: Whereas a balanced Gate 35 contributes wisdom and lessons back to the collective, an imbalance might lead to a sense of disconnection or selfishness. Experiences are viewed through a purely personal lens, missing the opportunity to share knowledge or insights that could benefit others.
  7. Cynicism or Pessimism: Repeated disappointments or unfulfilled expectations can lead to a cynical or pessimistic outlook on life. Instead of seeing experiences as opportunities for growth, there might be a tendency to view them through a lens of skepticism or distrust.

Navigating These Challenges

Bringing Gate 35 into balance is about cultivating a healthy approach to life’s experiences, learning from them, and sharing your journey. By embracing the natural flow of life, engaging in reflection, and connecting with others, you can transform your experiences into sources of wisdom and strength.

Embrace the Full Spectrum of Experiences

  1. Seek New Experiences Deliberately: Consciously look for opportunities to try new things, whether they’re slightly outside your comfort zone or radically different. This helps combat the fear of the unknown and teaches resilience.
  2. Find Value in Every Experience: Work on seeing the lesson or value in every situation, especially in those that don’t go as planned. This perspective can shift your mindset from one of disappointment to one of growth and curiosity.

Foster Effective Communication

  1. Develop Your Storytelling Skills: Whether through writing, speaking, or another form of expression, find ways to share your experiences more effectively. Practice storytelling in a way that feels authentic to you, focusing on the emotions and lessons rather than just the events.
  2. Listen and Relate to Others: Improve your communication by actively listening to others’ experiences and relating them to your own. This can enhance your understanding and give depth to your own expressions.

Reflect and Learn

  1. Journaling: Writing about your experiences can provide clarity and insight. Reflect on your feelings, what you learned, and how you’ve grown from each experience.
  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices can help you stay present and embrace each moment fully, reducing the impulsiveness to rush through experiences or avoid them altogether.

Balance Seeking with Being

  1. Create a Blend of New and Familiar: While it’s beneficial to seek out new experiences, finding comfort in familiar routines and activities is equally important. This balance can prevent the over-indulgence in novelty, which might leave you feeling unanchored.
  2. Patience with Life’s Rhythms: Learn to be patient with the natural flow of life. Understanding that not all periods will be filled with action and recognizing the value in quiet moments can bring a sense of peace and balance.

Connect with the Collective

  1. Share Wisdom: Look for opportunities to share what you’ve learned with others, whether through informal conversations, social media, blogging, or public speaking. The act of sharing can reinforce your own lessons and provide value to others.
  2. Engage in Community: Find or create a community of like-minded individuals where experiences can be shared and wisdom can be pooled. This connection can amplify the benefits of your experiences by grounding them in a collective context.

Practice Gratitude and Acceptance

  1. Gratitude Journal: Keep a gratitude journal where you regularly note things you’re thankful for, including the lessons learned from less-than-ideal experiences.
  2. Accept and Release: Work on accepting experiences for what they are and then releasing them. Holding onto past experiences too tightly can prevent you from moving forward and embracing new opportunities.

Lovingly, Tina

P.S. If you haven’t run your chart yet, you can do so HERE for free.


P.S.S.S. Click HERE to book a COUPLES READING.

P.S.S.S.S. For those who aren’t quite ready to go all in on a full reading, I’m now offering a beautiful 90+ page personalized Human Design report for $97. Click HERE to purchase. Note: these guidebooks are delivered in PDF format via email within seven days. These are NOT printed booklets.

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The Sovereign Soul community, the space where the mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.

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