Rampart Ridge Loop Trail, Brian Head, Utah

Empower Your Life: Embrace Your Human Design Type

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In Human Design, there are five main Types, each with its unique Strategy for making decisions and interacting with the world. These Types reflect different roles and ways of using energy. Understanding your Type can help you navigate life with less resistance and more flow, aligning your actions with your authentic nature.

1. Manifestors

Strategy: To inform before taking action. Manifestors are encouraged to communicate their intentions or actions before initiating to reduce resistance from others and navigate their path more smoothly.

Role: Initiators of action, meant to start things but not necessarily to finish them. Manifestors are here to impact and initiate change, possessing a unique ability to manifest their ideas and desires into reality without needing to wait for external prompts.

2. Generators

Strategy: Wait to respond. Generators have a lot of internal energy to work and create, but they’re designed to wait for something external to respond to before committing their energy. This ensures that their efforts are rewarding and correct for them.

Role: The builders and creators, Generators have a sustainable energy source to do work they love. They are designed to wait for something in the external world to respond to, using their gut response to guide them towards work that is satisfying.

3. Manifesting Generators

Strategy: To respond, and then inform before taking action. Similar to Generators, Manifesting Generators should wait for something to respond to before taking action. After responding, they should inform others of their intentions, as Manifestors do. This two-step process helps them align their actions with their true purpose and reduces potential resistance.

Role: A hybrid of Manifestors and Generators, they have the power to manifest and the energy to work on what they initiate. Manifesting Generators are meant to multitask and find the most efficient ways to accomplish their goals, moving quickly once they have responded and informed.

4. Projectors

Strategy: Wait for the invitation. Projectors do not have consistent access to energy and are designed to guide and manage others. They thrive when they wait to be recognized and invited into roles, projects, or relationships that make use of their unique talents and insights.

Role: Guides and directors, Projectors are designed to manage, direct, and understand others. They possess a natural ability to see deeply into others and systems, but they need to be recognized and invited to share their insights for their gifts to be most effective.

5. Reflectors

Strategy: Wait a lunar cycle. Reflectors are deeply influenced by the lunar cycle, and their Strategy involves waiting about 29 days before making major decisions. This waiting period allows them to sample different energies and gain clarity, ensuring that their decisions are in alignment with who they are.

Role: The mirrors of the society, Reflectors are rare beings (about 1% of the population) who reflect the health and well-being of their community. They have a unique perspective, seeing what is and what could be. Reflectors need to give themselves time to reflect and wait a lunar cycle (about 29 days) before making major decisions, allowing them to sample different energies and gain clarity.

Contemplation Questions Per Human Design Type

Manifestors: Do you feel free and autonomous? How do you feel about being the powerful force that you are? Do you hold back? Do you feel comfortable being powerful? Are you doing things on our terms in your own way? Where are you not? Are you feeling angry? What is that anger telling you? Are you initiating or waiting for things to come to you? Are you comfortable going first? Do an energy check-in: do you need to step up, or do you need to rest? Are you informing those around you? Where and when do you feel most at peace? What needs to be healed, released, aligned, and brought to your awareness for you to trust your own powerful connection to your own right timing?

Projectors: Do you recognize the value and gift of your perspective? Do you value yourself just for being you, or are you placing your value and worth based on how much you do? What do you need to heal and release to value yourself more? Do you feel bitter or resentful? If so, what are those feelings telling you? Are you getting enough rest? Do you have the energy for the opportunities you’re seeking? Think about the greatest invitations you’ve received in your life. How did it feel to be invited and recognized correctly? What Type of environment were you in? What Type of people were you surrounded by? What was your state of being? Invest more energy in those areas and less in areas where you’re feeling bitterness.

Generators: Are you excited and satisfied with life? Are you trusting your own magnetism and writing for things to come to you? Or are you initiating and forcing things into existence? Do you trust that the next right thing will show up at the right time? How do you feel about waiting? Are you using the liminal time wisely in building self-mastery? What can you do to cultivate more patience and alignment? Are you connected to your gut response/Sacral? Do you trust your Sacral? How do you experience frustration? Where do you feel it in your body? What is the frustration trying to tell you? 

Reflectors: Do you recognize the value and gift of your perspective? What Type of environment allows you to feel appreciated for your perspective? What Type of spaces feels good to be in? Where do you feel the most at peace in life? Who is curious about how you see the world? Are you investing in those relationships? Do you feel disappointed? What is that feeling trying to tell you? Who or what are you disappointed in? Do you feel responsible for healing the pain of others? Can you release yourself from this responsibility? Do you feel responsible for helping others meet their full potential? Can you release yourself from this responsibility? Are you giving yourself enough time to make decisions? 

Manifesting Generators: Are you getting enough physical activity? How do you manage your energy and your multi-tasking? Are you giving yourself the opportunity to pivot as needed? Are you permitting yourself to let go of something (even if you haven’t finished the project) that is no longer aligned or working? Are you allowing yourself to start new things? Are you trusting your magnetism and letting things come to you? Or are you initiating and trying to force things into existence? How do you feel about waiting? Are you using the liminal time wisely in building self-mastery? What can you do to cultivate more patience and alignment? Are you connected to your gut response/Sacral? Do you trust your Sacral? How do you experience frustration and anger? Where do you feel it in your body? What is the frustration and anger trying to tell you? Where are you able to move fast and be in your flow? Where do you feel slowed down? 

Wishing you the most beautiful days ahead.

Let’s roll. ✌️❤️🙏

Lovingly, Tina

PS: If you haven’t run your chart yet, you can do so HERE for free.



PSSSS: Click HERE to join DESTINY BY DESIGN a free 9-day transformational journey that will introduce you to the power of your Human Design energy centers and show you how to rewire your nervous system for lasting lifestyle shifts, true alignment, confidence, and expansion.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Unlock your true potential with a personalized Human Design reading and coaching session! Dive deep into self-discovery, gain powerful insights into your unique energy type, and learn to make decisions with clarity and confidence. Enhance your relationships and uncover your life’s purpose with our comprehensive chart analysis and tailored coaching.


The Sovereign Soul community, the space where the mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.

Brian Head, Utah, Cromsin Tail

The owner of this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The owner only intends to offer general information to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual, or general overall well-being. If you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.