Sovereign Soul




Before you dive into your journey with Tina LeAnn Erdmann, your guide in Human Design, please take a moment to review and understand these terms. They’re here to ensure clarity and mutual understanding in our shared path toward self-discovery.

Ethics and Professional Boundaries:

Tina LeAnn Erdmann offers guidance towards self-understanding and valuing your unique self. Tina LeAnn Erdmann is here to empower you, reminding you that your life’s choices and paths are yours to make and own. Predicting the future isn’t part of the service; rather, the focus is on your personal growth and empowerment.

Understanding Human Design with Tina LeAnn Erdmann:

Think of Human Design as your personal blueprint or a map to your inner workings, akin to DNA sequencing. It’s a tool for self-discovery and understanding, empowering you to navigate life with your free will. Tina LeAnn Erdmann is dedicated to advancing Human Design, aiming to enhance human life through deeper celestial knowledge. While sessions can cover various life aspects, they’re not substitutes for professional legal, medical, or financial advice.

Confidentiality Commitment:

Your privacy is paramount. All shared information during your sessions is held in strict confidence, only to be disclosed if legally required or in cases of harm prevention.

Cancellation Policy:

Please provide at least 48 hours’ notice if you need to cancel, to avoid forfeiting your session fee. Cancellations before this period may be eligible for a refund, processed within a week.

Right to Refuse Service:

For reasons related to health, safety, or business operations, Tina LeAnn Erdmann reserves the right to refuse service, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all.

Your Acknowledgments:

By engaging in a session with Tina LeAnn Erdmann, you:

  • Voluntarily seek Tina LeAnn Erdmann’s guidance based on your Human Design chart, informed by your birth data.
  • Confirm the accuracy of the information you provide.
  • Understand that sessions are for personal insight, not professional counseling.
  • Acknowledge that services received are not legal, medical, or financial advice.
  • Agree that Tina LeAnn Erdmann makes no guarantees or warranties beyond the service provided, releasing her from any claims related to your session.

By accepting these terms, you’re affirming your understanding and agreement to the outlined conditions, ready to embark on this journey with The SOVEREIGN SOUL LLC, guided by Tina LeAnn Erdmann.