Tina LeAnn, Human Design Guide, Life Coach, Salt Lake City


a 9-day immersive workshop for women in transition.

LIVE Series | November 4-13 @ 1:00pm MST

Are You Ready to Step Into the Next Chapter of Your Life with Clarity, Purpose, and Freedom?

This 9-day transformational workshop is designed for driven, adventurous, and self-motivated women like you—women who are at a pivotal moment in life, business, or relationship transition. Whether you’ve recently left a corporate job, are navigating a divorce, or facing an empty nest, this experience will help you reconnect with yourself, your purpose, and the life you’re meant to lead.

In this 9-day workshop, you will learn, through human design:

Does This Sound Like You?

You’ve spent years focusing on your family, career, and the expectations of others. Now, it’s your time, but you’re unsure where to begin. Maybe you’re asking yourself:

  • How can I combine my love of life with service and purpose?
  • How do I make money pursuing my passions?
  • What direction should I take next?
  • How do I find clarity in this time of change?

You’re tired of spinning your wheels and feeling stuck in self-doubt. You’re ready to reclaim your power, break free from fear, and step into a life of joy, freedom, and true self-expression.


A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success

Day 1: Courage, Self-Awareness, and Clarity

Explore your true desires, strengths, and challenges. Gain clarity on your life’s purpose and the direction you wish to take.

DAY 2: Empowerment and Embracing Inner Strength

Harness your personal superpowers, like calmness, tenacity, and determination. Step into your strength with confidence.

Day 3: Self-Trust and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Break free from limiting beliefs that have held you back. Learn how to reframe and release patterns that no longer serve you.

Day 4: Authenticity

Learn to align your actions with your authentic self. Discover how to express your true self in every aspect of life.

Day 5: Emotional Wisdom

Build emotional resilience and learn to manage your emotions, especially during life transitions, for a more empowered you.

Day 6: Embodying Self-Love and Self-Worth

Establish a strong foundation of self-love and care, allowing yourself to thrive in both physical and emotional well-being.

Day 7: Decisiveness: Manifesting Success and Abundance

Align your internal mindset with your external goals. Learn the tools for manifesting success and attracting abundance.

Day 8: Vitality: Creating Impact and Contribution

Identify your unique way of contributing to the world. Live with purpose by making a meaningful impact in your community and beyond.

Day 9: Loveability

Embrace your inherent lovability. Understand how accepting and loving yourself fully allows you to receive love from others and cultivate deeper relationships.

By the end of this training, you'll leave with a step-by-step roadmap to executing a transformative personal plan to completely reinvent your life!

Can’t make all of the sessions live? Register to get the replays!

The Time is Now

Imagine a life where you feel liberated, peaceful, and deeply connected to who you really are. Where every day, you wake up knowing exactly what steps to take, aligned with your purpose, and empowered to live your best life. This is the possibility waiting for you.

If you’re ready to take that leap, join us for 9 days of transformation, connection, and discovery. The world is waiting for the woman you’re about to become.

This workshop is for:

Ready to Rediscover Your Power and Live Life On Your Terms?

Take the First Step Toward Your FUCK YES Life

You’ve spent enough time living from “shoulds” and “have-tos.” Now is the time to choose YOU. The world is your playground—step into it with clarity, purpose, and power.

Tina LeAnn

Tina is a seasoned coach, human design guide, and self-development expert who has dedicated her life to helping women rediscover their power, purpose, and passion.

With over a decade of experience, Tina has guided hundreds of women through life’s most challenging transitions—whether it’s leaving behind a career, navigating a divorce, or redefining identity after raising a family.

Her holistic approach combines Human Design, mindset mastery, and emotional intelligence to provide women with the tools they need to reconnect with their authentic selves and create a life of freedom, joy, and purpose.

Tina’s passion for personal growth is rooted in her own story. Having experienced major transitions herself—leaving a corporate job to start a business, divorce after 21 years of marriage, moving out of state, and more— she understands the feelings of uncertainty, fear, and self-doubt that often arise during these pivotal moments.

Through her workshops and coaching, she empowers women to step through the fear and into their full potential. Tina’s approach is compassionate yet empowering—she knows when to push and when to hold space, making her the perfect guide to support you on this life-changing journey.

With Tina by your side, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and the courage to live the life you truly desire.


I have been on a journey to return to myself and my true purpose for some time. I had spent so much time listening to all of the external voices about what my life should look like that I didn’t trust that I could recognize my own voice anymore.

A friend recommend that I connect with Tina for a Human Design reading, and I am so very glad I did. The insights that Tina was able to provide about my purpose as well as the challenges I needed to overcome in this life resonated deeply.

She was able to pinpoint where my experiences and conditioning had created an imbalance and how I could grow to a more optimal expression of myself.

Tina has a true talent and passion for connecting and empowering others, and that came through in my reading.

After the initial reading, I was provided with a beautiful presentation of my full human design profile which I have made into my little “book of me” that I can refer back to any time, and she made herself available for follow up questions once I’d had time to process.

I would highly recommend Tina’s reading for anyone who is struggling with their path or who wants to know themselves better!

Kelly Engelbrecht

It feels very genuine and heartfelt to share my wonderful experience working with Tina LeAnn, who was referred to me by a trusted friend. Tina is such a joy to work with as she is a fun, creative strategist who helped me develop my brand and image with ease. She did a lot of the heavy lifting!

You may think you know what you want going into a project, but Tina focuses in on hearing you and applying her mastery and research to bring your vision to life. She ultimately designed an amazing website to share my story and showcase my business…including taking some great photos of me which brought out my personality and were perfect for my website. Her follow through is excellent and she delivers what she promises – and more!

Tina’s brings a lot to the table and her scope of expertise is beyond just branding, coaching and website creation. So, we will be working together on an ongoing basis to market me and my business. She is simply too much of a gem to not have her energy, creativity, and great thinking as part of my life and business going forward.

Tina is an incredible human and I am so grateful to have attracted her into my life! I was introduced to her and the concept of human design during a recent spiritual retreat.

I truly feel that human design is such an important tool to better understand ourselves and live in alignment with who we are and what we came here to do. What started out as a journey in search of peace and understanding from both of my parent’s deaths, has lead me to my own self-discovery.

This human design piece of the puzzle I was missing has been so eye-opening! I feel more powerful, less resistant, and am able to stand in my truth.

My husband also recently had his human design reading done. He is definitely more skeptical of anything out of the ordinary, but felt Tina was spot on and saw so much value in learning about his design. It has helped us better understand our differences and see more of each other’s gifts.

I will be having each of our daughter’s designs done in the near future as well. This is an investment in yourself that will never be wasted. It is simply one of the best tools ANYONE can have as we all navigate this journey of life!

Kristin Schneider

Thank you, Tina, for being the wind beneath my wings! You and your Human Design tools have taught me things about myself that I didn’t know and things I knew but didn’t fully comprehend. My Human Design empowered me to find my authentic self and purpose and then live it.

It helped me remember what truly makes me happy. It also helped me recognize the aspects of myself that are unbalanced and how to correct them. I definitely still find myself getting pulled back to my old patterns, but with the things I learned from you, I recognize it right away and can turn it around in days instead of years like before.

The Human Design book is so helpful to use as a reference. Recently, it seemed like the thing I needed to hear or need help with that day just happened to be the page I flipped to. Crazy!

This tool is so eye-opening. I truly feel that everyone should have it done, especially kids. I believe this would be more beneficial than those career tests they give in school. It would empower our children to live on purpose, listen to and follow their own instincts, and help them recognize the things about love and happiness that may have been “taught” to them unknowingly.

This tool would help them discover their true gifts, be authentic, and live their dream lives. What an amazing thing to know at such a young age!

Tina has a calm, focused nature and is also intuitive and strategic, a rare combination. She seems to know where you need to go with your life and business way before you do and then gives you the tools to get there.

Through working with Tina, I discovered that I’m a fairly killer manifestor (and I wasn’t even sure I believed in it until these sessions!). Tina gave me the confidence to tap into this gift and the tools.

Tina went above and beyond in providing me with the tools to grow while holding space for my personal development. So, if you are looking for a coach with a super rare mix of grit, grace, empathy, and a ballsy attitude to success, you have just found the perfect person. Don’t hesitate – just don’t.