The Sovereign Soul: Human Design Podcast, Letting Go of Past Relationships, Forgiveness and Release

Letting Go of Past Relationships

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A Holistic Approach to Emotional Freedom

In the second part of our four-part series on love and relationships, Tina and Lisa delve into the intricate process of letting go of past relationships. Lisa guides us through the journey from three vital perspectives: energetically, mentally, and physically. This episode encapsulates their insightful discussion and offers practical advice for anyone seeking to release old bonds and make space for new beginnings.

Energetic Release

Lisa begins by emphasizing the importance of creating space for new energies to flow into our lives. Holding onto past relationships can energetically block this process. The goal is to consciously decide what we no longer want in our energy field and to cut the cords connecting us to those past relationships.

Cord Cutting: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify Energetic Connections: Recognize that we are energetically connected to everyone in our lives through invisible cords. These cords can attach to multiple energy centers within us.
  2. Cutting the Cords: Engage in a guided meditation to gently sever these cords. Visualize flowers growing from the cut ends to symbolize healing. Lisa offers a free cord-cutting meditation on her website, which listeners are encouraged to use regularly.
  3. Recognize Residual Energy: Understand that feelings of sadness or missing someone may be the residual energy from those you have cut cords with, not necessarily your own emotions.

Mental Release

Tina and Lisa explore how mental attachments can keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns. Our thoughts can create stories that emotionally bind us to past relationships. Lisa shares a personal recipe for mentally letting go:

  1. Validate the Pain: Acknowledge your emotions. Say to yourself, “I am feeling upset and that’s okay.”
  2. Clarify the Pain: Understand what exactly is causing the distress. This could involve journaling or speaking with a trusted friend.
  3. Find Perspective: Look for the lessons or growth opportunities within the pain. Reframe your experience to see how it has contributed to your personal development.
  4. Collect Evidence: Gather proof of your progress and growth since the relationship ended. Reflect on positive changes in your life.

Lisa’s example of her divorce illustrates this process beautifully. She highlights how validating her efforts and recognizing her health improvements post-divorce helped her mentally let go.

Physical Release

Physically letting go involves severing all tangible connections to the past relationship:

  1. Remove Digital Connections: Unfriend and unfollow your ex on all social media platforms. This includes less obvious ones like LinkedIn and Pinterest.
  2. Block Communication: Block their number and email to prevent unwanted contact.
  3. Declutter Your Space: Remove items that remind you of the relationship. This can include photos, gifts, or other memorabilia.

Lisa emphasizes the importance of this step, sharing stories of clients who have experienced sudden contact from ex-partners long after the relationship ended. This contact often occurs when one person is energetically and physically moving on, highlighting the significance of creating clear boundaries.

Moving Forward with Clarity

Tina and Lisa conclude by discussing the importance of making a commitment to oneself during the healing process. This might involve setting a timeline for remaining single to fully heal and transform before entering a new relationship. They also touch on the concept of being connected but not attached, fostering healthy, independent relationships moving forward.

Stay Tuned for More!

In the next episode, Tina and Lisa will explore the topics of forgiveness and release, offering activities to reprogram your brain and regain a state of empowerment. Whether you’re recently out of a relationship or still working through past emotions, this holistic approach can guide you towards emotional freedom and new beginnings.

Until next time, stay sovereign!

Recipe for letting go of past relationships:

  • Validate the pain
  • Clarify what the pain is
  • Validate it again
  • Perspective

Online Training

How to Lovingly Set Boundaries with Others


How to eliminate bottom feeders, How to Attract Extraordinary People

Cutting the cords FREE Meditation

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Lovingly, Tina

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The Sovereign Soul community, the space where the mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.mysteries of being human unfold through the lens of human design and beyond. This isn't just a journey; it's an expedition into the depths of what it means to be truly alive.

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